A Tradition of Outreach and Support
At Trinity Episcopal Church we believe we receive and are blessed with the grace of God through active outreach in our community, in our diocese, nationally and internationally. By providing spiritual, emotional, material and educational support we receive our blessings. The vast majority of Trinity parishioners enthusiastically participate in one or many numerous outreach programs .
There is always a place for those who wish to serve and assist others in need.

Loaves & Fishes: Community Feeding Ministry
Loaves and Fishes is a community ministry, which was formed in the 1980’s by Trinity Episcopal Church. It provides a hot noon meal on Saturdays to individuals who are home bound and participate in Meals on Wheels during the week.
Several other Atchison churches participate in this ministry. Each Saturday one congregation plans, prepares and delivers the meals.

Atchison Ministerial Alliance: Doing More Together
The Ministerial Alliance is an organization of Atchison county churches, which come together each month to develop ways to address community needs, and join with each other in supporting the Atchison community activities.
During the year the Alliance offers several community worship events which bring our communities of faith together in common worship and thoughtful prayer.

Shrove Tuesday: Pancake Supper For Atchison
On the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday we invite the Atchison community to Trinity for a delicious pancake supper served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Great hearty food, connecting with old friends and making new friends in the Atchison community are the hallmark of this annual event. Parishioners do the cooking, serving and clean up and truly enjoy fellowship with all attending. Proceeds are used to support the Good Samaritan Fund of Trinity Episcopal Church.
K2K – Kansas To Kenya: International Ministry Support
Trinity Episcopal Church participates in the Diocese of Kansas’ international ministry serving the residents of communities in Kenya. We have sent Trinity parishioners to Kenya as part of Diocesan ministry teams, and, through the Louis C. McConaughy Endowment Fund, provide annual financial support for a school there. We have sponsored mission trips to deliver much needed school supplies and desks for the village elementary children. Trinity also supports an alcohol and drug rehabilitation program which serves the village and the surrounding area.
Senior Village Birthday Cakes: Our Way To Say Happy Birthday!
We help Senior Village residents celebrate their birthdays by providing birthday cake on the second Thursday of each month. Cakes are provided and delivered by Trinity. If you would like to help, please contact the parish office at 913 367-3171 or email us at the office.
Hunger Task Force: Commitment To Assist Those In Need
The Hunger Task Force is a program of the Ministerial Alliance of Atchison, Kansas. Member churches combine offerings in order to help individuals in our community who are struggling with the effects of poverty and critical human needs. By pooling our resources we are able to help more people, more effectively. By working together we are able to share the joy of assisting and lifting up those in need.